The era we live in is marked by a sort of technological Calvinism. Our entire existence is cataloged, packaged, and there is sometimes the sensation that the synesthetic pollution of audiovisual stimuli is depriving us of our free will, giving us, at times, the impression of being placed on a track ride. A tunnel of love, of horrors, of adventure with animatronics placed to make us feel emotions.
A "tight" reality that leads to concrete and strong reactions told in the shots of Giacomo Cosua and, particularly, in his latest exhibition "I'm Not Afraid." A series of shots that capture moments of "daily titanism," in search of tranquility as a revolution against the barrier of sensory overstimulation to which we are constantly subjected. The exhibition, curated by Tommaso de Benedicitis and William Gustafsson, will be staged at the Union Gallery from July 22nd to August 20th and will be a great hymn to honesty, a dictum that has always distinguished the work of the Venetian photographer. To tell humanity as it would like to be. And occasionally is.
Text by Simone Tempia - Vogue Italia
Circolo Culturale Macondo – Bologna. “Strangers”
Spazio Metricubi – Venezia. “Le manifestazioni dell’Onda, da Venezia a Roma”.
Buongiorno Bosnia / Dobardan Venecija, Biblioteca Civica di Mestre (Ve)
I am not Afraid. Union Gallery, London
I don’t want to wake you up, but i really need to tell you somethin’. Spazio Ridotto, Venice
X Biennale Internazionale d’Architettura- Venezia. Padiglione IUAV “Progetto Città metropolitana”.
RE:PUBLIC! La risposta è Pubblica – Tese di San Cristoforo Venezia.
Giacomo Cosua – Tancredi Piovesan- Hotel del ‘900 Venezia. “Skaters”.
Neither Snake Nor Lizard – LCC Gallery Space, London, UK
Trame di Moda – women and style at the Venice Film Festival, Palazzo Mocenigo, Venezia
Courage, Studio Cherie, Berlin
Vento, Caldo, Pioggia, Tempesta. Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Roma.